Wednesday, August 26, 2009


The death squads are coming, run for your lives.

Death Squads? Who said anything about "Death Squads"? Everyone is screaming about Death Panels. Groups of bureaucrats sitting around a conference table deciding who lives and who dies. And why. And if you have a death panel you've got to have a death squad to make sure the chosen ones die on time and in the correct manner. So what are you going to do? DPs and DSs go together like computers and blue screens.

What's the screaming about? Death panels are all around us already.

Insurance companies that deny claims out right and refuse to cover anyone who might die. Agencies like Veteran's Administration that delay the awarding claims for months, just long enough for the claimant to die of hepatitis. (This happened to a friend of mine.) Medical boards that decide who gets a new organ and who slowly dies of liver failure. Over zealous police, big business, former presidents who have bombed villages killing thousands of innocents.

The list goes on.

Doctors. People get upset when you mention doctor assisted suicide, but it goes on all around us. They just don't call it doctor assisted suicide. It has several names. Missed diagnosis, adverse reaction, unforeseen consequence, or negative outcome.

Then there is suicide by cop, too chicken to put a bullet in your own head you get the police to do it for you. Suicide by fast food, fast cars, faster women, or terminal stupidity.

People will die. We all will. Until then it would nice to have good health care. For everyone. Or the right to an early checkout.


August 27, 2009