Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Mar. 6, 2007
7:48 am

Oh my, look at the time! All my life I have been an antimorning person. I hated mornings. Slept as late I could. Didn't get up till I absolutely had to. Then I'd rush around like mad trying get ready and show up late looking like I slept in my clothes. Because I had. Then about five months ago something strange happened. I woke up at 6am and jumped out of bed alert and ready to go. Now I am up at about 7 every day and rarely sleep in, even on weekends. Strange, very strange.

The sun is shining nicely here in the gold country. The foothills and kneehills of the Sierra Nevada mountains of central Kalifornya. Spring starts soon. Time to think garden. Time to get out the plant catalogs out order seed for this year. This year I plan to grow mainly things I can't find in the store. Giant Amaranth, purple and white carrots, exotic flowers etc. I grew way to much zucinni and to many cherry tomatoes last year. It feels like it is time to plant, the temp will be 70 today, but you never know about spring in the Sierra. Last year we had a storm in March that dropped a foot of snow.

Well time to wake wifey and make her breakfast.


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