Thursday, May 3, 2007

Up the Hershey Highway

Hershey is closing down their chocolate factory in Oakdale California and moving it to Mexico. People round here are upset. Hershey is one of the largest employers in the area. 575 people out of work. Some folks are calling for a boycott of Hershey in support of those who have lost their jobs. Hit ol' Mr. Hershey right in the pocket book. Good idea. See here is the thing, these people who live and work here in the USA have bills to pay, children to feed and cars that run on gasoline, the price of which is climbing to record levels. I mean what are these people going to do? On the other hand the unemployed people of Mexico don't have a need for a steady income. What are they going to do with jobs and paychecks and security and prime rate mortgages?

Really I get tired of people in this country feeling that because they were born in the United States of America that they therefore have a God given right to the highest standard of living in the world. And if an American company wants to be competitive in the world and make a profit for their shareholders then they are unpatriotic. I know, other countries don't have the type of industrial and environmental regulations that we have here. When are the people in the third world going to realize that having a job with no medical is worse than having no job at all. Back here in the USA we pass regulations, require businesses to meet all kinds of safety standards and pay unemployment and other benefits. Then we expect "our" companies to pay wages that enables us to ride around in gas guzzling SUVs and eat over priced "organic rice".

Natural born citizens complain about immigrants coming to this country and taking "our" jobs. So US companies ship the jobs overseas. That doesn't make the populace happy either, oh well.

There is only one people on earth. That's us. We have to learn to live together and share the resources of this planet. Borders are made up lines and nationality is an accident of birth.

I am a human being.


May 3, 2007

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