Thursday, August 23, 2007


There is a sticker on the back of my car in the shape of a fat little lizard. Written across it in big letters is "GoNewt". It is very distinctive, if you see me in traffic give a honk. I won't know why you're honking and I'll think you're just being rude. Honk anyway.

I did not know what the sticker meant when I put it on the car. When I came up with the idea for the sticker, I did not know what it meant. I made it and put it on the car and began thinking about it. The sticker is one of a kind, hand made, original, like no other.

I am the newt. The meaning is now clear. It is an ever present reminder to be myself. To express myself, creatively and honestly. Follow my instinct, impulse and intelligence. Rage against the prepackaged pablum of modern consumerism, the mental void offered by party politics and the soulless spirituality of religion reduced to aphorism.

More than ever I feel the need to not be bound by convention, tradition, expectation or ideology. I pick things up and look at them. Rocks, bugs, vegetables, ideas and dogma. I turn them over in my hand and in my mind trying determine if they are solid, palatable, fresh and sound or just so much recycled dirt pressed together and dried in an Easy-Bake oven.

What have we found here? Inspiration or rote repetition of tired old adages strung together like pizza sauce? Ever mindful of my mouth and of my opinions I vow to be ever more vigilant to ensure that what I say and what I believe comes from within after a serious examination of the facts. What? Oh well. Anyway less concern for how society expects me to look and more focus on shaping my own identity.

My recent decision to wear the company supplied shirts at work everyday, despite the fact that they are not required, has me wondering if my individuality is being swallowed up by the corporate whale.

Nah, I'm just tight.


August, 23 2007

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