Thursday, January 17, 2008


I had to drive my stepson to work this morning. The sun was just beneath the horizon in the east. A few wispy clouds in shades of pink lit the eastern sky. We came round the corner and saw the dark lines stretching across the sky radiating from where the sun was about to rise. Crepuscular rays. Shadows of clouds often a seen in sunsets. Very pretty.

More info on this and other phenomenon, often unnoticed, that put on frequent light shows above our heads as we go on with our busy lives to focused on the future to look up, can be found at,

The camera was not in the car. When I saw the great blue heron feeding in a field at the apple ranch the camera was not in the car. I took a picture in my mind and recorded it here. But I don't want for you see want I saw. Go out and see for yourself....


January 17, 2008

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