Saturday, November 1, 2014

Don't libel me

Food and Drug Administration
10903 New Hampshire Ave
Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002

 To FDA,

 As a consumer who is very concerned about food saftey, cost, availlabillity, better nurtriton and acurate labeling, I feel it is important for the FDA to quickly establish voluntary guide lines for the labeling of both GMO and non-GMO foods.

 I understand peoples concern about GMO saftey and respect their right to know what is in their food.  As it stands now several states and counties are trying to establish their own guide lines and regulations.  If this happens there will be a mish-mash of laws across the country making it hard for producers to comply, hard for the consumer to understand and generally causing confusion instead of clarity.

My own personal veiw of GMOs, having read arguments on both sides is that they will help feed a hungry world and are generally safe.

Leni Barker

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