Saturday, November 1, 2014

To Many Questions

It is gratifying that so many people out there know the truth.  They have common sense and are very, very well informed.  They are aware of what is going on and have solutions to all of today’s most pressing problems.  They can easily point out the past mistakes.  The corruption and injustice rampant in the US and through out the world has been uncovered by their diligent investigations.

What I find so had to understand is why things continue go bad.  Why do the wrong people keep getting elected?  How is it that people’s rights are not being respected?   Important issues are ignored and attention is given to trivial problems.  The media can not be trusted.

There is so much information available, on this site and on hundreds of other sites, and the truth is so obvious.  Even a child could do better that those who are making the important decisions.  Why is all this going on?  Why doesn’t someone, anyone, come forward with the answers we need and lead the country and the world out of this quagmire?  Answers, we need answers.


This statement gleaned from the internet sums it up nicely


 Where is the journalist who is willing to at least take the risk of open-mindedly exploring the real facts and effects of energy resources and power production, so that policymakers can no longer get by creating facts to fit their agenda?

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