Friday, August 1, 2008


Back in the sixties we started hearing about women's liberation. Into the seventies more and more feminists began using terms like: equal pay for equal work, women's rights, sexual harassment, equal employment, the right to not see obscene material or hear offensive language at work, ad nauseam. And equality. Many women claimed to be equal to any man. And then demanded laws to end discrimination against women. Laws were passed to insure fair treatment at work, to protect women from discrimination in employment, to be free to go to work and not see or hear anything they felt was offensive.

In the spirit "equality"!

I've had a number of jobs in my life. And at some of them I was harassed by the other workers, they made me the butt of jokes, I had my manhood and ancestry questioned. Some times I was paid less than other workers doing the same job. More often I was paid more. I would start at equal or less pay. Then within a very short time I would get a raise and after a while another raise. Because the boss soon realized that I was doing a better job than my coworkers. And in my innocence I let the others know my rate of pay. Some of them got huffy about it.

Other men from the beginning of time have been subjected to all of the mistreatment's that women were complaining about. Different men dealt with these problems in different ways. Some would ask the boss for a raise or to be transferred to a friendlier position, some men just put up with it, some quit. Some would sucker punch the first homophobe that raised questions about their sexual orientation. Forming labor unions was a common method for insuring fair treatment.

Some women who claimed to be equal to men wanted laws to mandating equal treatment. They wanted government protection of their equality. They even went so far as to try to make the ERA, the Equal Rights Amendment a part of the Constitution of the United States of America

I don't understand this. If you are equal then you can do the same thing that men have done for years. If your not as capable as a man then you might need a law for your protection.

If I apply for a job the employer can decline to higher me for what ever reasons he wants to. Maybe he did not like the way I looked or expressed myself. He might think that I am not tough enough to handle the rough guys he usually hires. Or he might suspect drug use or alcoholism. He may have been told something negative by my former in employee. Or he might have found out that I was turned down for unemployment benefits and appealed the decision and won. Employers do not like workers with a propensity for litigation. Perhaps he ran my name though Google and didn't like what he found there. He may think I am under qualified or over qualified and would quit as soon as I found a job with higher pay. I would have no recourse but to apply for a different job

However if he rejects a woman's application for the same reason he rejected mine he could find himself in court defending himself against a law suit claiming "sexual discrimination".

Employers have many things to consider when hiring and setting rates of pay. How do you determine if two people are doing the same work? Job title doesn't mean any thing. Do you follow instructions well? Are you capable of taking charge and making sure the job is done on time? Are you a team player? Are you willing accept the situation and terms of your employment. Or are you the type who runs down and hires a lawyer when you believe you have been mistreated?

In a free society employer needs to be able to hire, pay, and fire workers according to their performance on the job.

Laws ensuring equal treatment for equal pay, create an artificial evaluation system and interferes with the free enterprise system which was a very big factor in the success of our great nation. Women have proclaimed their equality and took jobs that where predominately done by man. And once they did they wanted to change the way men work and make it more suitable to them. It seems that women don't want equal to men. They want men to be equal to women.

So what is it ladies. Are you equal to men and can handle work place problems the way men have done since paid employment began. Or are you the "weaker sex" and therefore need special protection under the law? You can't have both ways.


September 5, 2008