Friday, March 31, 2017

four nights

I was in a room in the dark looking for a light switch.  I found one it did not work.

I was in prison and had to fight a really big man.  I was given lesson from a trainer.

I was in a small room with several men.  There was a boy on the floor in front of the breakfast bar.  I picked him up and put him on a couch so he wouldn't get stepped on.

I was in France planning a hitch-hiking trip around the country and across the canal to England.

Women and a horse.

I was cuddling wit Sharon on the couch.

Friday, March 24, 2017

1900 Pennsylvania Ave.

Donald Trump's father taught him there were two types of people. Winners and losers. In Fred Trump's eyes your were a winner or a loser, there was nothing in between. Winners were everything, losers were nothing. People who make lots of money, people in control and people who get what they want are winners. People who TAKE what they want are winners.

In Donald's eyes people who make minimum wage, people in dead end jobs, people who retire with little or no savings are losers. Immigrants who come to this country with just the clothes on their backs, people living in the shadows, people down on their luck are losers. People who need hand outs, people who need cheap or free medical care, people living on social security are losers. People who thought they were going to get rich quick after taking courses at Trump University are losers. People who make bad investments, like the ones who bought stock in his casino, are losers.

And losers are nothing, they're nobody, they are there to be used and taken advantage of. If you fit any of the above categories Donald Trump sees you as a nothing and a nobody. When he talks about health care for everyone he isn't talking about you. When he says make America great again he is talking about making America great again for "winners", people like himself. He wants to turn the clock back to 1900 when the robber barons ran roughshod over the common man and over the environment. That is his idea of a great country, one that gives the advantages the takers.

In the past he has cheated investors out of hundreds of millions of dollars and justified it with"they should have been more careful."

Now he has cheated millions out of their votes.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

I gave at the office

Drug users cause problems, it is a well know fact. So the time has come to start testing welfare recipients for drug use. Also anyone receiving unemployment. How can they gets jobs if they are high all the time? But before we test people down on their luck we need to make sure the benefits are going to the right people. We need to test social workers and the like. Anyone who decides who gets benefits needs to be tested first. But wait their supervisors, the ones who do the hiring and firing and job evaluations needs to be tested before we test the workers. But who controls the supervisors? County consuls, mayors, state legislators? How can they pass judgment on the people under them if they spend their nights at cocktail lounges throwing back martinis and snorting coke? Test them first! But wait who has authority over these people. State legislators and governors! They have to have their wits about in order to make sound judgement about the vast numbers of civil servants they are tasked with overseeing. And the federal government, the judicial branch, the legislative branch and the executive branch has the responsibility to watch over the states and the various departments of the fed. And who is at the top of this vast heap. Who has the most responsibility. The president. And how can he make sound judgments if he is full of mind altering substances?

If we are going to start testing people for drug use we need to start at the top, with people who's decisions have the most impact.

Donny needs to be first cause I think that guy is on drugs! Or else needs to be.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Massive reorganization.

When something like health care reform has the potential to affect millions of people there is the possibility of harming a great many people.  Maybe the government needs to slow down.  Why does everything need to be done all at once?  Throw the dice win or lose for the whole country.

Why not a piece by piece process.  So that the effect of changes can be assessed?  So that if some people lose their insurance or see their premiums skyrocket it is thousands of people instead of millions!

The way the ACA, Obamacare, was enacted and the way AHCA, Trumpcare, is being proposed puts huge numbers of people at risk.  The congress and administration is playing games with people lives.  Millions and millions of peoples lives.  It seems to be a game to them and needs to STOP.

It would be much better to build an new system, piece by piece, from the ground up.  The very idea or replacing the old system in one fell swoop is crazy!   Like anyone, anywhere has the necessary knowledge to create a whole new medical insurance model.  When this is attempted what happens is the new system is created out of whole cloth.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

God's Will

I hear a lot about this and that being god's will. What did god die and I didn't hear about it? Well if he did die lets see the will. What did he leave me? A Mercedes? A faster computer? Big, big, big, big screen?

And if he didn't die shut the fucq up about "His will".  If he wants me to know something he has my number!

Those greedy bastards?

Jakob Elkins Posted this on facebook

I agree that science is helpful, but the problem is that the large majority of American doctors and scientists who do the research and make the drugs aren't trying to cure disease and illness, they're just to cover it up and make money.

And now my response:

Jacob Elkins how old are you? I am 61. When I was young a diagnosis of cancer was a death sentance. My mother died of cancer at age 30. Now days there are a lot of people surviving cancer and going on to live perfectly normal lives. (My sister). Not to mention hundreds of other conditions and diseases that can now be treated and cured. Ever met any one who had polio? Probably not. Before you go bad mouthing doctors and scientist do a little research. Or try this little mental trick: Line up all the people you know and go down the line counting 1, 2, 3, 4. A hundred years ago all the 4's would have died of disease before they were five! I get so fucqing tired of people like you who lead nearly disease free lives and enjoy the benefits of modern medicine and accuse their benefactors of greed.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


People are pushing for the mandatory labeling of GMO food stuff siting vague safety concerns.  A correlation between GMOs allergies, autism and cancer.

I do not like this! More regulation between grower and consumer will force out small businesses, (read organic grower), increase the price of everything and only put a band-aid on the real serious issues of over consumption, over population and the disconnect between resource and user.

People tell me that they are willing to pay more for food that they feel is grown according to their standards.  That is OK.  THEY can afford it.  Let THEM pay.  I want cheap food and according to recent surveys so do 5,723,785,211 other people.  The ones that weren't born of privilege.

PS As for the bad science of correlation, try: disinfectants, deodorants, perfumes, OTC medication, prescription drugs, higher use of alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs (at a younger age), additives, sugar, vaccines, TV, child care, birth control, increased infant survival rate, late pregnancy, the change in diagnostic criteria, diet, life style and the fix it attitude of modern life.

PPS The FDA is working on voluntary non-GMO labeling guidelines. Please write to them and tell them your concerns.

The thermostat ain't worken.

Our planet has a fever.  Good old planet earth is a living, breathing bio-being.  Like other bio-organisms it is prone to opportunistic infections.  You and I get colds and flues.  Dogs get, and spread, rabies.  Aquarium fish get a condition called "ick".  It looks icky, a fuzzy fungus infection.

In all these cases the host fights back.  A common strategy is to turn up the thermostat so the immune system goes into hyper drive.

Mother earth is not feeling so good.  Bazillions of bi-pedal parasites cover the planets "skin".  Others bore deep into the interior and bring deadly toxins to the surface.  And waste products of this fervent activity is becoming all to evident.  In the atmosphere, lakes, rivers and springs and on the air ways.  Radio frequency space is spilling over with bovine feces.  Piles of poisons excreted from the bi-peds are interfering with the natural cycle of life.

The earth is warming up for the fight.  Floods and hurricanes and droughts and crop failures are the weapons Gaia is using to rid itself of this heinous disease!

But lets face it, no one cares about the floods or droughts or extreme weather except for the fact there are too many humans on the planet, using the majority of resources and will be the first (or last) to die.

Governments and activist and farmers and suburbanites are gathering in groups, large and small to try and find a solution.  A way to slow the rapid disruption cased by "climate change".  Why?  Humans are causing the problem and nature is taking the natural course.

I say turnup the heat, thrown another yule log on the fire.  Clear-cut Antarctica.  Turn the glaciers into water parks.  Lets all have a blow-out going away party and leave whats left of the planet to species more fit to survive.


March, 1, 2017


PS   Don't for get to leave the light on....