Wednesday, March 1, 2017


People are pushing for the mandatory labeling of GMO food stuff siting vague safety concerns.  A correlation between GMOs allergies, autism and cancer.

I do not like this! More regulation between grower and consumer will force out small businesses, (read organic grower), increase the price of everything and only put a band-aid on the real serious issues of over consumption, over population and the disconnect between resource and user.

People tell me that they are willing to pay more for food that they feel is grown according to their standards.  That is OK.  THEY can afford it.  Let THEM pay.  I want cheap food and according to recent surveys so do 5,723,785,211 other people.  The ones that weren't born of privilege.

PS As for the bad science of correlation, try: disinfectants, deodorants, perfumes, OTC medication, prescription drugs, higher use of alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs (at a younger age), additives, sugar, vaccines, TV, child care, birth control, increased infant survival rate, late pregnancy, the change in diagnostic criteria, diet, life style and the fix it attitude of modern life.

PPS The FDA is working on voluntary non-GMO labeling guidelines. Please write to them and tell them your concerns.

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