Thursday, December 15, 2011

in His name

The following letter was written in 2002 during the run up to the invasion of Iraq. Some people disagreed then and still do. I stand by what I wrote.

The current debate over weather or not to invade Iraq seems silly to me. The facts are clear, what we have to do is obvious. First of all this man commands a large and well equipped army. The largest stockpile of chemical warfare agents in the world is under his control. The CIA believes he has access to nuclear weapons. He has weapons of "mass destruction". He has invaded a foreign country in the past. He has been heard to threaten the eminent invasion of yet another country. Agents under his control are actively studying biological warfare, in fact one of these agents is a prime suspect in the anthrax attacks/murders of last year. Few people realize his father was the head of a large and highly secretive organization whose avowed purpose was to spy on other countries.

Every word of this is TRUE. He is a mad man and must be stopped. His name is Bush.

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