Friday, October 30, 2009


During this election season much has been written and said about same-sex marriage. There has been no discussion of a more serious issue. One which threatens to destroy our two party system. Mixed marriage. When republicans marry democrats. It is a disturbing trend that has fueled our growing divorce rate. The real tragedy is the children. With no clear political identity the offspring of these unnatural unions grow up confused and misguided. Some of the statements uttered by these people show how truly muddled their thinking is. "Nixon was a crook with a great foreign policy." "I am deeply religious but I don't believe disgruntled employees should have easy access to assault weapons."These young people grow up exposed to various points of view and are rendered totally incapable of seeing the world in black and white. They go through life in a gray fog. Unlike normal people they are unable to judge a candidate based solely on a single letter after his name. ie, J. Smith (D). They are forced to consider facts when deciding how to vote. No wonder so many do not register. Many suffer a worse fate, they become the "undecideds". Blasted on all sides by pundits, spin doctors, and attack ads. Their fragile psyches fractured by so-called facts, innuendos, misinformation and down right lies. By election day they are mere quivering masses of flesh barely able to muster the strength to use a touch-screen voting machine.I must confess, I to am the result of a mixed marriage. Mom was from Oklahoma, dad was Californian. Sometimes, late at night, when no one is watching I put sushi on my cornbread.


Oct. 30, 2009

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