Thursday, April 5, 2007


Yesterdays blog is a good example of why I'm doing this. It didn't come out right. I wasn't focused, my point wasn't clear. I just blathered on and didn't make a lot of sense. Learning to put coherent paragraphs together is one of my goals. Another is to do just what I did. That is say what ever comes to mind, I need to learn to be more spontaneous. So even though I didn't like the way it came out I published it anyway. So there.

Last night at the meeting was the same way. I didn't make a lot of sense when I was talking, but I kept talking. It doesn't matter, there were only five people there and no one was listening. I tend to feel that no one listens when I talk but I hesitate to say things because I don't want people to hear what I'm saying.

Are you listening?


April 5, 2007

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