Monday, May 21, 2007


I used to watch old movies late at night on a little black and white TV. The picture was grainy, the sound quality poor and the story line predictable. The protagonist, a top level English or American spy would be waiting at a seedy night club in Bucharest, dressed in native garb, three days growth on his chin and speaking perfect Romanian in a drunken slur. In walks the chief of the Secret Police followed by two soldiers carrying machine guns. Taking a quick look around the room the chief walks straight up to our hero and demands, "Your papers please! Show me your papers!" Double O nineteen fumbles though his pockets and produces a stack of dirty wrinkled documents. Chief examines them carefully and hands them back with a disappointed grunt.

Score one for MI5 or the CIA or The Man From Uncle. And we back here in the free world sit smugly in our easy chair feeling much superior. No papers are required. We do not have work permits, travel permits, housing documents or serial numbers. And never are the police allowed to walk up to you and demand that you prove who you are and where you're going with out good reason to do so.

But that is changing. First Social Security cards were mandated and now you have to prove your citizenship or at least swear to it in order to get a job. And now the good people of Farmers Branch, Texas, a suburb of Dallas have passed a law requiring landlords to get proof of citizenship before renting to a perspective tenant. I guess they were not happy with the slow pace at which the current administration is stripping us of our rights and freedoms. What is next? Having to show your birth certificate to see a doctor, open a bank account, buy major household appliances or go through a toll booth. Will we need permits to travel from Minneapolis to St. Paul? Will Farmers Branch be the first city in the US to establish check points manned by Boy Scouts?

In Japan in order to buy a new car you have to prove you have a place to park it. Now that makes sense.


May 21, 2007


garficher said...

Illegal Immigration is ... well it's just that. Illegal. For a reason. We live here. They didn't until they snuck in.

How is it so very wrong to ask for anyone who does want to live here, to do that in a law abiding fashion?

Should we allow the various illegal aliens who are muggers, gang-bangers and father rapers to stay when we catch them?
No nation which has failed in securing it's borders has ever survived the onslaught of illegal invasion (is that an oxymoron? or is it sometimes legal to invade a country - such as it seems to be now in Ca.)

Illegal invasion by hispanics has reached the proportion of reconquest by mexico of an area it used to think of as it's own.

garficher said...

So... Illegal aliens , who happen to have snuck into the country should be afforded legal protection under the law?
The system of laws which they ignored to get here?

And that might mean we should ignore the issue of the illegal aliens who are muggers, DUI drivers, gang bangers, father rapers, and jaywalkers?

If we are going to hold them responsible for obeying the law when they are here, why is it so illogical to hold them accountable for not obeying the law to get here in the first place.

Illegal Immigration (read that as invasionist)is just that. It's illegal, and it's illegal for a good reason.
No country which will not secure it's borders has any hope of survival for an extended time.

There are now people on the planet who hate us (the US) for no other reason than that we have not beheaded Paris Hilton because she is such a slut.
Come to think of it I hate this country for not beheading her for the same reason.

But the other people hate us for a plethora of reasons. We are too prosperous, we have MTV,WalMart, Kmart, Starbucks, we have more than they have, they have less than we have, their wife smells like a camel in heat, and she just came in from the first rain in three centuries.

The idea being they don't like us, and truth be known, I don't care for them or their 7th Century mentality.

The idea of those people wanting to convert, subjugate or slay me, just turns me off.

But back to the hispanic invasion. They do not do the jobs no one else wants to do. They do the jobs which the teenagers, college sudents and substance addled fools like myself used to do for minimum wage.

Remove the Illegal Invasionists and cure two problems at the same time. Teens who are obese find jobs performing Vegetation Management, or Soil Terraforming for the local Landscaper.

WHatever the answer to the problem might wind up being, simply ignoring the issue of being invaded by a significant number (in the millions) of Illegal Invasionists is how Rome became a non nation.