Sunday, March 11, 2007

Time to change


Microsoft doesn't support my operating system any more. So I got a patch off the net. Didn't work.

I hate when the time changes in the spring and we have to get up an hour earlier. Or at least I used to before I changed. (see SPRING Mar. 6 07). I will get more daylight in the evening to dally in the garden.

The administration's great idea to save energy. Change the clock. I'm impressed. Their usual technique is to redefine the words.

Save: verb, to waste, to throw away. "We are saving lives in Iraq".
Energy: noun, anything you have a limitless supply of, such as taxpayer money.
Serge: noun, an increase. The opposite of Escalation: noun, an increase.
Education: verb, to indoctrinate with a single idea. Sex "education" means abstinence only will be taught.
Patriotism: noun, a belief that your leaders know what is best for you and their methods and actions should not be questioned.
Constitution: noun, out dated document based on antiquated notions such as "freedom" and "democracy".
Intelligence: nonsense word used by children's authors and democrats.

"When I use a word", Humpty Dumpty said in a rather scornful tone, "it means what I choose it to mean--neither more nor less." ALICE IN WONDERLAND, Lewis Carroll.

"When I make a word do a lot of work like that," said Humpty Dumpty, "I always pay it extra." ALICE IN WONDERLAND, Lewis Carroll.

So the reason for the largest deficit in history gets a little clearer. Federal Budget line item hidden on page 1257 among Whitehouse Office supplies:

Locution Recharacterization and Neologismfacation________ $1,257,324,123.07

We can't blame the "W". He doesn't know what it means either.

March 11, 2007

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